Saturday, September 11, 2010

two very different things that should really be two different post but both suck

1 - My daughter just started kindergarten. Yesterday they all had to draw a picture of their "best friend" in the class - 20 kids who met a week ago. No one drew a picture of my daughter and now she wants to know why no one likes her.

2 - I had a miscarriage on September 11, 2004. It was the last time 9/11 was on a Saturday and I spent the day in the emergency room going through the hardest thing I have ever personally experienced with no way to escape the images of the worst thing I have ever seen. I rarely dwell on it but today being Saturday again I guess makes it harder. And then I feel like an asshole all "poor me" when so many people lost so much more. And I don't think my husband remembers. And we decided to try for another baby in May and I haven't had a period since June.

I am a sad sack today.
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