Monday, June 8, 2009


Yesterday, I found a small (pencil eraser) sized lump under my armpit. It is deep under the skin, so I know it is not a pimple or an ingrown hair. It is not red and it doesn't hurt at all. You can't actually see it but you can feel it without putting pressure on it.

I don't have a family doctor; I never get sick so if I need a prescription I usually go to the clinic at the grocery store.

I am quietly freaking out. I don't know who to call or where to go. I haven't even told my husband or my sister because I am usually the one to talk them down and I am just not capable right now.

It's nothing, right? It's nothing.It's nothing.It's nothing.It's nothing.



Oh my god, I didn't realize that was my last post, and that I left it up for so long. It was nothing. Well, not nothing, but it was benign. All's well now.


G said...

Under your armpit could simply be a swollen lymph node -- your body fighting off an infection. But it could also be something more serious and no one can tell you that without taking a look.

Please -- get it checked out. Do you have a gyno you're comfortable with? You could start there. You could also ask the people who run the clinic at the grocery store for a recommendation.

Go find out for sure that it's nothing. :)

Anonymous said...

I think what I might do is call whatever doctor was most convenient to my house, ask if that doctor was accepting new patients, and get an appointment. I'm always reluctant to go to the doctor even if I'm coughing my lungs into the sink, but I think lumps fall into a different category. If you're like me, it'll be a HUGE hurdle to call and get an appointment and do all the "new patient" rigamarole---but it'll be worth it for the peace of mind it will bring.

Su said...

Just saw this on C1's sidebar and it caught my attention. Please call your OB/GYN and get it checked. It's probably nothing - 65-75% of lumps are NOTHING. But if it is something, early detection is key. My doctor found my breast cancer on my 32nd birthday at my yearly physical. I never felt it, even after she tried to show me, but am so grateful every single day for the difference that early detection made in my treatment and care. I don't mean to freak you out, but please get it checked out. It probably is nothing, and will be a relief to hear that. On the off chance that it is something, you need to know now - either way, really, the sooner you know, the better. Good luck.

Su said...

Will you update again and let us know how it turned out? I don't even know you but have been worried and checking back for updates. Best...