Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tiny Rant

You know what really annoys me? When women are complaining about how much help they need at home with the day to day and they say, "What I need is a wife."

Boy, does that piss me off.

I hate that the word "wife" is considered a natural companion to "housework", "kids", "daily bullshit."

My husband and I both work full time, but his schedule is more open during the day. He takes my daughter to school every day and picks her up. He is getting better at pigtails and braids all the time. He takes her to soccer, he does the grocery shopping and the dishes and the laundry. I know sometimes it gets to him; I know it's tough.

If he EVER said that his life would be easier if he had a "wife", I would take him apart. But it would never occur to him to say that. It seems to be mostly women who use "wife" in such a manner, and I don't know man, it just irks the shit out of me.

It seems so fucking sexist. I don't know if it is being anti-sexism (like that's a thing. Is anyone pro-sexism?) or my personal situation that make me feel this way. I hate it. HATE IT.


Constance the Redhead said...

I hate it too. It is such a sexist thing to say. My husband and I also both work, and I do more of the housework (dishes, laundry, etc) but he does a ton of kid stuff. And, I finally gave up and got a cleaning company. When people say they need a "wife" in that context what I think they are really saying is that they need a housekeeper/nanny/personal assistant. And, it's totally offensive that anyone would see wives in that light.

Constance said...

A friend of mine just mentioned this same thing and I agreed with her, and you. It's bullshit and so demeaning. People think because you are a wife, or a stay at home mother, that you ... come naturally to cleaning, organizing people's lives, childcare, whatever, and it's so annoying. What they mean is secretary, like old school, 1950's, doesn't exist anymore, secretary. Totally annoying.