Sunday, January 18, 2009

Inauguration Day 09

We are leaving bright and early tomorrow, heading down to DC for the inauguration. My husband's brother got us tickets to the swearing in ceremony and I am super excited.

I am 30 years old. I turned 18 in October of 1996 and in November I voted for Bill Clinton. I was glad he won, but too young/inexperienced/naive to think much about our government or our country of what it means to vote.

I voted for Al Gore in 2000 and was promptly jaded. I didn't even vote in 04. I wasn't loving Kerry and I live in a die hard blue state, so I convinced myself it didn't matter whether I voted or not. I had miscarried in September and again in October and was bearly leaving the house for anything, anyway. I regret it.

This year, this November, this Election Day, I arrived at the polling place before it opened. I couldn't wait to cast my vote. President-elect Obama has inspired me and I can't wait to see him take his oath of office.

I don't really want to get into reasons here, although this blog is more anonymous than my other blog, but I am just unbelievable souped.

I am going to be twittering, but I don't want to give out my twitter account here, just watch #inaug09.


Unrelated: I am posting this from my new mini-laptop or net book or whatever and I am super excited about that too. No more blackberry posting, which was making me crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So fun! I'm excited, too. I'm hopeful. I see him surrounding himself with thoughtful and talented people and possibly inspiring the rest of us to DO more about making things better in our communities. I find that encouraging.

Constance the Super